There are various techniques used by the designers, to make this poster rememberable and obscure. For a start the picture of the main characters are at a tilt which juxtaposes the film title. The dress and body language of the characters show that they are very powerful, as they are wearing all black like what a gangster might wear. Also they have guns and weapons which also show that there will be violence.
This is a long shot with a low angle, looking up at the characters this also goes back to point that they are powerful. The way that the tilt is used it implies that what happens in film is very unusual, something which most films wouldn't involve.
Another good technique used is where there is a door opening which implies that the characters will be involved in a sequel of life changing experiences. The mise-en-scene shows that the film will be in the genre of Thriller/Action, the way that the title is in bold red makes me feel as though there could be some killings. In a way this poster is showing who is the most important character this is shown by the way that they are in a formation, almost forming an hierarchy.
The reason that they have chosen to have a long shot is so they don't give away to much information, leaving the audience in suspense. All of those reasons are why i think that this is a very clever film poster.
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