Monday 1 February 2010

Micro and Macro text construction


Within the first 10 minutes of the Eastenders episode we watched, for the macro level of appearance. It shows that the setting is of a society of people who live in London and come across day to day instances which the audience would come across frequently. Also the setting of around the pub shows that this is a place where all the friends go to meet, but because it’s dark it could show under the macro scene; that the pub has lost its atmosphere via the death of Archie. The dark mise-en-scene shows how it has been hard for the customers to forget the past, so when ever they come into the pub it will result in people have memories rein acted.

The costumes of the stereotypical teenage girl were wearing; this consisted of her school clothes, this again shows that it’s realistic. She was also in a bad mood that could be in both the macro and micro level; this could be seen as though she’s in the time of the month. Or there has something going wrong at her school so this is also very realistic to teenage girls who are watching this soap opera. The use of mid shots was frequently present as it shows the audience the characters appearance, with his expressions. But doesn’t give away too much leaving them in mystery, leaves them in optimism.

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