Thursday 12 November 2009

Preliminary Shot List

1. The actor walks down the hallway, whilst walking away from the camera, medium shot.
2. Camera is on floor level watching the actors feet/legs, we watch the actor walk away down towards the classroom, medium shot
3. The next shot is from the opposite side of the hallway recording the actor walking towards the camera. We used this to ensure that continuity was in the correct order, medium shot.
4. The next shot angle is slightly to the left of the last so that we have a direct view of the door opening.
5. This camera watches the person walk through the door, and then zooms in to create a extreme close up of the actors face.
6. On this camera shot we are using a 2 shot, also over the shoulder on the attacker. Then zooming into the defendant.
7. High angled shot so that both the actors are included in the shot, you can also see all the descriptive details of the consultation.

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