Sunday 22 November 2009

Questionnaie and results

1) What age group do you fall into
5-9 10-15 16-20 20+

All 10 people i asked were in the age groups 10-15 and 16-20, so from this i guess i have the most research for these age groups.

2) Gender
Male Female

5 male 6 female

3) What genre do you usually watch

horror=1 comedy=4 romcom=2 Sci-fi=3 Action= 1

4) Where do you watch the newest films ( e.g Cinema)

Cinema=5 Online=2 DvD= 4

5) Are you offended by swearing?
Yes No
No= 11 Yes= 0

6) Do you like having the obvious Heoros/Villains
Yes No
Yes= 6 No=5

7) Are you effected by epilepsy
Yes No
No=11 Yes=0

8) What thriller films have you watched in the last 12 months?

2012 Mirrors Scream=2 Hancock=2 Taken=3 I am legend=2 Thank you for not smoking

9) In films do you enjoy it when the audience are left in suspense?
Yes=8 No=3

10) Have you watched any film which have an age certificate that is too old for you?
Yes No
Yes=11 No=0

11) Whats your opinion on chase scenes?

6 people said as long as they aren't to long and confusing
5 people thought that you can always use other techniques to create the same atmosphere

12) What is important to whether you will watch the film
Critics recommendations Adverts Previews Genre
Critics= 3 Adverts= 2 Previews 5 Genre= 1

13) Do you like fast and slick camera editing to change the tension
Yes= 11 No= 0

14) Do you watch any soap operas
Yes= 8 No= 3

15) Who's your favourite director e.g Quentin Tarantino
Don't know any= 6 Steven Speilsberg=3 Quentin Tarantino= 3

16) From your thriller experience what is your favourite thriller movie?
Undecided= 9 Die Hard=1 Shawshank Redemption

I conclude from my personal questionnaire, that I will be aiming my thriller opening at the ages of 15 and over. The reason for this is because i have the most research of this age group even though people have said that they think that the age restrictions are stupid and watch ages which are too old for them. I will also make sure that the edits which will be made on the computer. I will also be using various non-diagetic sounds to make the tension higher, also i will be attempting to make the sequence as a hybrid genre between the horror and thriller. I would also try and make my editing style around Quentin Tarantino as i think he is an exellent director.

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