Tuesday 19 January 2010

Final Task Planning

This is the story board of what we would like to happen whilst filming our thriller opening;
A brief outline on how the film is going to look as shown on the story board.
In shot 1 this will be of the murderer waiting in be wilderness, with the outline of the court room plaque. This will be a sloe up zooming in to show the emotion on the actors face resulting in an extreme close up. This is good because the audience know what the protagonist actor is before knowing the story line, this means the audience can think about the narrative on their own.
The 2nd shot is an establishing shot of the court room, this will be effective for the audience because they have an idea of where the opening is set. As they might be asking themselves questions from the first shot, which have been answered as a result of this establishing shot. Also this is where the whole future film could have been a changing point, so if i was to produce a whole film i may refer back to this later in that film.
The 3rd shot is back to the murderers face at this point he is sitting their with great thought rushing through his head and his eyes are rolling, this will be fast edits from the 2nd to the 3rd shot, which will increase tension. We will use non-diegetic sound at this point as well of a heart beat of the actor.
The 4th shot is a flash forward to when the sentence had been decided, and the judged say "guilty" which will ring in his head whilst sitting there. As we are supposed to be making a physchological thriller this could be seen as a convention the reason for that is because its showing the murderer is going mad. Which happens in some typical physchological films.
In the 5th shot we only see the murderers feet and a person escorting him to the dock. This is an interesting shot as it doesn't give away any emotions but also shows that's there is movement which shows a progression in the case.
For both shots 6 and 7 it is going to be of the jury which will make the decision to prosecute the defendant. The reason there is to shots of this is so that we could use less actors but still make it look as though it was full, as we had no money to spend on actors or props.
Then on shot 8 we will quickly edit from the 7th shot where the decision is being made to the dock where the defendant and his lawyer is sat. Which will show the reaction of these two as the news comes apparent that they lost the court case.
This would then end, but we later decided to add another bit to the end to make it more like a thriller genre. But this was the plan we had for filming so we changed our minds as we were filming.

When producing the production we had to ensure that we made a piece of work which is aimed at our target market. The questionnaire which I asked a sample of 6th formers to participate in, as this was the age group it was projected at.
They wanted the following and this is how I achieved this;
Fast editing - which was achieved when flashing from the court to the murderer
Protagonist charactor - which is the defendant (murderer) as the whole scene is set around him
Sound - this was added whilst zooming in on the murderer, with a heartbeat added to increase tension
No chase scene - the narrative could have been showing the crime being commited and then him running away, but decided against it through the research

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