Sunday 17 January 2010

My proposed thriller opening

My proposed thriller opening is of a court case of a murderer, and the decision for him to be sentenced to a jail term. This would be set out as follows;

First shot will be an establishing shot, of the court room completely empty so this will share an echoing silence. This will catch the attention of the audience because they will be thinking what will happen next.

Second shot would be to have the prosecuted murderer in the waiting room, waiting for his trial to be heard. Whilst zooming in on his face quickly change to a flashforward to the case in action. With the final decision made by the judge.

Third shot would be of the murderer in his dock, deep in thought with the camera panning round to where the judge is examining to finer details of the case. At this point we will use non-diegetic sounds which will build the tension.

Fourth shot will be of the jury sitting in and listening to this judges speech, then the judge will ask for the juries decision. The person who will say the decision is situated in the middle of the camera as its the most prominant actor, whilst he says the juries decision we will cut to the reaction of the lawyer and murderer in the dock together.

5th shot will be of the solictor the day when the murder has been realised from prison. He will be working on a new case, then he will hear a noise outside the door. Then the camera will flash to the murderer walking up the stairs towards the office. Then he walks round the corner and the solictor shouts, it will cut then to black to show its the end. Then the credits will role in after this.

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