Tuesday 19 January 2010

Shot list

This is the shot list which we recorded by;

Shot of sign that reads "Court Room", zooms out to shows Defendant waiting for court to start. Date along the bottom.
Fade to Black
Shot of courtroom before court so it is empty.
Fade to Black
Zoom in of Defendants face.
Fade to White to show Defendant thinking
Over the shoulder shot of Judge saying "Guilty".
Slow-mo shot of Gaffle going down (In black and white)
Fade to White
Back to Defendants face looking nervous.
Low shot of Defendant being escorted in to the Dock.
Fade to Black
Shot of Judge's chair with emblem on it.
Fade to Black
Over the shoulder of Defendant with Judge in shot.
High shot looking down on Defendant which pans to Judge.
Low angled shot of Jury to show they have some power.
Judge off shot says "All Rise".
Shot can see Jury who all stand up.
Camera zooms in on one member of the Jury who says "We the Jury have come to the desicion, we find the Defendant-"
Shot jumps to Defendant and his Lawyer, "Guilty" is said from the previous shot and both characters look down.
Shot pans across books with the date changing to in the future.
Three shots of Defendant (After being released) walking up stairs and entering a door.
Shot from Defendants view of the Lawyer reading a book.
Lawyer looks up.
Fade to Black
Black screen with a scream as audio.

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